Contract Reference
The FluidNFT protocol is composed of interconnected smart contracts organized in a modular system. Each module is responsible for specific aspects of the protocol. Therefore, depending on your desired actions, you will interact with multiple contract addresses to access the different functionalities.
└─ protocol
└─ collateral
└─ CollateralManager.sol
└─ CollateralManagerStorage.sol
└─ execution
└─ ExecutionDelegate.sol
└─ ExecutionManager.sol
└─ governance
└─ AddressProvider.sol
└─ AddressProviderRegistry.sol
└─ Configurator.sol
└─ FluidGauge.sol
└─ incentives
└─ DistributionManager.sol
└─ FluidToken.sol
└─ PeerIncentivesController.sol
└─ PoolIncentivesController.sol
└─ ReferralManager.sol
└─ Vault.sol
└─ libraries
└─ configuration
└─ ReserveConfiguration.sol
└─ helpers
└─ Errors.sol
└─ MerkleVerifier.sol
└─ logic
└─ BorrowLogic.sol
└─ ConfigurationLogic.sol
└─ ForecloseLogic.sol
└─ GenericLogic.sol
└─ InterestLogic.sol
└─ LendingLogic.sol
└─ LiquidateLogic.sol
└─ RefinanceLogic.sol
└─ RenegotiateLogic.sol
└─ RepayLogic.sol
└─ ReserveLogic.sol
└─ SettlementLogic.sol
└─ SupplyLogic.sol
└─ ValidationLogic.sol
└─ math
└─ MathUtils.sol
└─ PercentageMath.sol
└─ WadRayMath.sol
└─ proxy
└─ FluidProxyAdmin.sol
└─ FluidUpgradeableProxy.sol
└─ types
└─ ConfigTypes.sol
└─ DataTypes.sol
└─ DistributionTypes.sol
└─ oracle
└─ NFTPriceOracle.sol
└─ PriceConsumerV3.sol
└─ Trustus.sol
└─ p2peer
└─ EIP721.sol
└─ Lending.sol
└─ LendingStorage.sol
└─ p2pool
└─ LendingPool.sol
└─ LendingPoolStorage.sol
└─ risk
└─ InterestRateStrategy.sol
└─ shared
└─ SharedStorage.sol
└─ tokenization
└─ DebtToken.sol
└─ FToken.sol
└─ IncentivizedERC20.sol
└─ Redeemable.sol
└─ StakedToken.sol
- Collateral
- Execution
- Governance
- Incentives
- Libreries
- Oracle
- P2Peer
- P2Pool
- Risk
- Shared
- Tokenization